Hi Erast,
I just managed to do this in VirtualBox 2.1.0 for OS X. A few
details (from the Shell window):
zpool list shows 138M used.
/tmp/dest.425/debootstrap/debootstrap.log ends with:
gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated
tar: Read 6144 bytes from -
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
du -hs on /tmp/dest.425/*:
21M /kernel
2.9M /lib
12M /platform
404M /usr
5.2M /var
Everything else is under 150K
dpkg hasn't been extracted yet so I can't get any kind of list of
packages installed/partially installed.
The Log window output ends with:
Applied selected profile: hardy-core
Installing the base hardy-core software...
This is the second time (out of 4 or 5) that the install has failed for
me as well. I am not using a dynamically expanding image this time.
Previously I was so I don't think this is a factor.
Post by Enrique SedanoYes, I didn't realize before, because I lanched the installation and
left the computer... By the time I came back, the system was asking me
for the root password. But now that I reinstall the system, it just
installs until 3%, and then goes to the password screen. When I enter
the new passwords, the log keeps on saying that it doesn't find some
files or directories...
I'm using a Dynamic expanding storage type virtual hard drive, maybe
it could be caused because of that... I will try a fixed-size storage
vhd and check if this keeps on happening.
And the version I'm using is 2.0-b104-beta1 for x86.
Thanks for the help!
Post by Erast BensonThis usually means that installer didn't go through the full cycle
somehow. When progress bar starts moving - could you confirm that it is
moving fairly proportional without jumps? Also, if you press F3 during
installation, do you see any errors in the log?
What is the version you are trying?
Post by Enrique SedanoHello!
It is the first time I try a OpenSolaris OS, and I just installed it
as a VM into VirtualBox. The problem is that, just after installing
Nexenta and trying to run it, it gives me an error. On the lower part
Bad PBR sig
I just configured the VM to run as a OpenSolaris, and I saw no error
margin in the installation process that could justify a wrong
configuration made by me... What can be producing the error in the
boot sector?
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