How to load the gui environment?
Lorenzo Jimenez
2008-02-14 14:18:13 UTC
After installing sucessfully Nexenta in virtualbox, I wanted to look to the gui environment, but I only get to see the command line.

How I can load the gui?


Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with star power.
Pablo Roberto Garcia
2008-02-14 14:37:25 UTC
I have the saame problem, I tried installing Gnomo xorg ...etc but the
startx doesnŽt work...!!!

Post by Lorenzo Jimenez
After installing sucessfully Nexenta in virtualbox, I wanted to look to
the gui environment, but I only get to see the command line.
How I can load the gui?
Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble challenge with star
power. Play now!<http://club.live.com/star_shuffle.aspx?icid=starshuffle_wlmailtextlink_jan>
gnusol-beginners mailing list
Pablo Roberto García

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Erast Benson
2008-02-14 15:45:13 UTC
GUI is outside of Nexenta Core Platform goals.
Post by Pablo Roberto Garcia
I have the saame problem, I tried installing Gnomo xorg ...etc but the
startx doesn´t work...!!!
On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Lorenzo Jimenez
After installing sucessfully Nexenta in virtualbox, I wanted
to look to the gui environment, but I only get to see the
command line.
How I can load the gui?
Climb to the top of the charts! Play the word scramble
challenge with star power. Play now!
gnusol-beginners mailing list
Pablo Roberto García
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gnusol-beginners mailing list
2008-02-14 17:12:24 UTC
Lorenzo> After installing sucessfully Nexenta in virtualbox, I wanted to
Lorenzo> look to the gui environment, but I only get to see the command
Lorenzo> line.

You need to install it. This is discussed in the Nexenta FAQ:


Question 3.7.

(I asked the same question a couple weeks ago. Don't feel alone in not
knowing this...)
Skip Montanaro - ***@pobox.com - http://www.webfast.com/~skip/